Bucher Airport Sweeper
High speed runway and multi task airport sweeper
Designed to address the key surface cleansing needs of all sizes of airports in any environment.
High Speed
The V95t aero has a working speed that gives double the productivity of traditional runway sweepers. The innovative sweeping system allows sweeping speeds of up to 40 km/h.
Sweep System
The V95t aero has the sweeping and pick-up systems located between the axles where they are protected from collision damage.

The V95t aero is able to pick up water, dry and wet dirt as well as larger items of FOD (foreign object debris) and exceeds requirements of all military and civil aviation authority pick-up tests. The V95t aero also excels at cleaning stands, taxi ways, access ways,removing oil, grease and fuel spills.
Choosing the Correct Airport Sweeper
Which Airport sweeper is best for my flight line, and how do I choose it?
It’s important to understand the precise issues your facility is facing before selecting the best solution. This is due to the fact that no “one size fits all” single best method exists for consistently removing foreign object debris (FOD) from expansive airport surface areas such as runways, taxiways, ramps, and aprons. This means that every airport sweeper design has advantages and disadvantages depending on the FOD, surface, or environment it operates in.
Therefore, instead of searching for the “best” sweeper on the market, concentrate on finding the best solution for your unique FOD management program.
A mid-traffic municipal airport in a temperate climate close to a wildlife reserve with a 12-hour operations timetable and limited man – power will have needs and resources very different from a high-traffic military airfield in a windy, dry climate with a 24-hour operations schedule and a large force of available manpower.

The following should be kept in mind when looking for an airport sweeper:
- What is the most dangerous FOD size and type that might be present in the sweeping area?
- What form of environmental FOD, such as dirt, mud, or leaves, is present?
- The sweeping surface is it rough or smooth?
- Exist subsurface structures such joints, cracks, and tie-downs?
- What is your annual budget for buying and maintaining equipment?
- How many employees can be put on duty for FOD control?
It could be essential to use two or more separate sweepers in complex situations, such as a big facility with smooth runways bordering chipseal ramps with multiple tie downs and hangar cracks, to ensure thorough coverage.
Another Consideration
Consider how the additional, non-sweeper FOD management procedures in your facility may impact the type of sweeper you require. For instance, the quantity of FOD that gathers in downwind areas might be influenced by the presence or absence of a fence or wall next to a construction site.

Sweepers with friction mats
Highly advised for facilities worried about minor surface FOD (such as dirt in shallow grooves and joints), particularly in isolated or safety-critical locations.
How it works
Using a vehicle as a tow, a wide sweeping mat is moved across paved surfaces. A series of narrow panels with nylon bristle covers latch onto garbage as the sweeper passes, pushing it underneath the panels. This debris is then given kinetic energy, which causes it to be deflected up and into a number of sturdy plastic scoops where it collects for later disposal.
- Efficiently collects small surface FOD compared to other sweepers.
- It can be flown or moved by pickup truck because it is portable and lightweight.
- Given that the mat has no moving parts, maintenance expenses are low.
- Does not effectively capture FOD that is below the surface, such in cracks in hangars.
- Can’t be used to collect some huge FOD items, like soda cans.
- In windy conditions with 40+ mph winds, mat may become unstable.

Sweepers with mechanical brooms
Recommended for simultaneously sweeping both surface and subsurface FOD.
How it works
A rotating sweeper collects trash in a hopper. In some units, extra side brooms assist in directing debris onto the main broom’s path.
- Can penetrate joints and cracks, particularly if the bristle height is adjustable.
- Can sweep big objects and road millings.
- It’s a more established technology that is generally accessible.
- Sweeping can cause dust to be produced.
- Bristles that separate can turn into FOD.
- There are occasionally maintenance problems because there are so many moving parts.
Sweeper vacuums
It is advised to sweep uneven surfaces, especially in dusty areas.
How it works
An air nozzle draws FOD from the road and deposits it in a hopper. In some systems, side brooms are used to sweep trash into the nozzle’s path.
- Can accumulate FOD in potholes and on uneven terrain.
- Lessens dust production compared to motorized sweepers.
- Mechanical sweepers have fewer moving parts.
- A suction nozzle with a small diameter could make it harder to gather large amounts of FOD.
- can discharge tiny pieces of trash or air particles back into the atmosphere.A side broom can insert particles into joints and cracks away from the nozzle’s reach.

Air Sweepers That Regenerate
It is advised for effective, environmentally friendly sweeping of even surfaces.
How it works
Regenerative air sweepers use air blasts in place of the side brooms, much like vacuum sweepers do. It circulates the suctioned air by “blasting” it back onto the pavement after sucking air and debris through the nozzle, pushing trash in the direction of the nozzle, and then sucking it in again.
- Greater sweep than vacuum sweepers.
- Larger FOD can be collected by wider nozzles than by vacuum sweepers.
- Environmentally friendly; gathers fewer particles and emits less of them.
- Lower suction force in a wider nozzle makes it less useful for heavier or recessed FOD.
- On uneven or pothole-filled surfaces, ineffective.
Magnetic brooms
For locations where ferrous metal FOD is a frequent or important safety hazard. Our robust PowerBarTM Magnetic Sweepers come in a variety of sizes and configurations.
How it works
The industrial magnet assembly in this specialized sweeper is enclosed in a sturdy metal shell. It is installed underneath a motorized (or other wheeled) vehicle using attached hooks and/or hangers. The magnets on the car pick up nuts, bolts, scrap metal, and other tiny ferrous metal particles as it travels over a surface.
- Ferrous metal things are particularly effectively collected by strong magnets.
- When used in conjunction with other tasks like forklift operations or security patrols, the vehicle to which it is attached gathers FOD.
- No need for fuel, moving parts, or other upkeep.
- Non-ferrous metal or non-metallic waste is not collected.
- It might not be possible to distribute or carry it via air freight due to aviation safety laws.
- Can sustain damage if struck too forcefully by parking barriers or other obstructions. (Some models come with an impact-resistant protective sleeve.)